So Sammy

For: Big band
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So Sammy



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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
3 minutes
Jazz music
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NOTE: Some people have not been able to access all the parts to this score. If you are having difficulty then please contact me at and I’ll happily send you a full PDF file with parts!

This is a bluesy big band swing number, written to be performed at an intermediate level. It isn’t particularly innovative; the emphasis is purely on fun! Shouldn’t be too difficult to play. The sax solos are in less usual keys, but hey - it’ll be good practice for them! :-)

The piano part can be used by the conductor as a reduced score if he doesn’t fancy turning all the pages on the full score.

The piece is a homage to big band composing/arranging legend Sammy Nestico, and as well as (hopefully) capturing the feel of his swing I’ve tried to incorporate one or two allusions as well. See how many you can spot!

Most importantly, I hope you enjoy the piece. Please get in touch with any feedback or requests you may have.

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