Saudi Arabian National Anthem for String Orchestra

By: Composed by Abdul Rahman Al Khateeb arranged by Keith Terrett
For: String orchestra
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Saudi Arabian National Anthem for String Orchestra


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Composed by Abdul Rahman Al Khateeb arranged by Keith Terrett
Year of composition
Year of arrangement
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
1 minute
World music and Other
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In 1947, Saudi Arabia lacked an anthem, so, when King Abdulaziz visited Egypt that year, he asked Egyptian composer Abdul Rahman Al-Khateeb to create an anthem and “Aash Al Maleek” was created. The melody, an Arab fanfare style, is similar to those of other Arab states in the area at the time. In 1958, the first set of lyrics were written for the anthem by Mohammed Talat, but weren’t often heard.. In the 1960s and 1970s, a “royal salute” (an even shorter, wordless, “Arab fanfare” style anthem titled “As-salam al malaki as Saud” (Royal Salute of the House of Saud) by Abdul Rahman Al Khateeb) was often presented as the Saudi anthem in recordings, but “Aash Al Maleek” remained the national anthem. In 1984 King Fahd ask poet Ibrahim Al Khafaji to write new lyrics, which are the official lyrics today.

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