Recorder Trio, adapted from 'Woodwind Trio'

For: Trio of Soprano Recorders
page one of Recorder Trio, adapted from 'Woodwind Trio'

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Recorder Trio, adapted from 'Woodwind Trio'


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
3 minutes
Modern classical music
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This trio is one of several serial compositions I was wrote in the late sixties early seventies. This was the standard 'academic' style and several professors of music then wrote 'how to do' books on serial composition. Retrospectively it was not as good an idea as it seemed at the time! It uses two twelve-note series and has a vague tonality of E. Bars 43 to 47 have difficult rhythm, and the duplet rit in bars 71-73 is fiendish to play accurately, (though accuracy is not what was necessarily intended). In view of this it is best for each player to have a 3 page score than to try and play from parts.

Though the piece was originally written for flute, oboe and bassoon this recorder adaptation has been played more often and is just as effective.

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