Quando lieta sperai

By: Cipriano de Rore
For: Choir
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Quando lieta sperai


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Cipriano de Rore
Year of composition
Emilia Anguisciola
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Classical music
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This beautiful madrigal is a setting of a sonnet by Emilia Anguisciola, one of the rare women poets in the Petrarchan tradition. Long thought to have been composed by Cipriano de Rore, Quando lieta sperai is now attributed by some scholars to Cristobal de Morales, primarily on stylistic and literary grounds. The piece, edited for us by the American madrigal expert Martin Morell was the model for parody masses by Andrea Gabrieli and Palestrina (both in our catalogue), and de Monte, and a Magnificat by Orlandus Lassus.

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