Praise Him, Praise Him - chords for handbells

By: trad hymn, arr K Gordon
For: Handbells
page one of Praise Him, Praise Him  - chords for handbells

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Praise Him, Praise Him - chords for handbells


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trad hymn, arr K Gordon
K Gordon
Year of arrangement
Easy (Grades 1-3)
1 minute
Classroom materials
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An arrangement for beginners' two octave handbell team, intended for use in primary school with ringers aged 9-11 years. Print off the number of copies you need and highlight a part for each stand: we use 8 stands with up to three ringers sharing each stand. The ringer on stand 6 has only one bell while all the other ringers have two bells. Our team highlights in pink for right hand bell and yellow for left hand bell. This arrangement introduces minims (2 beat notes), semibreves (4 beat notes), crotchets (1 beat notes) and crotchet rests (1 beat rests). The whole team is kept busy throughout so it's very suitable for young teams. :)

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