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The profoundly meaningful passage of PHILIPPIANS 2:5-11 is here arranged for solo Vocal and Piano. Many biblical scholars believe that verses 6-11 may have been a hymn sung by the early church, which the apostle Paul was quoting. Also, many Bibles print this passage in a poetic format similar to the book of Psalms.
"Jesus Christ is Lord." This historic confession anchors our Christian faith. He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. And yet, Jesus is also our ultimate example of humility and service. In Matthew 23:12, Jesus said that "whoever humbles himself will be exalted," and His life is the perfect example for us to follow. If this is the way of the King, then it is also the way of the King's subjects. May we choose humility before honor instead of pride before a fall. As we take up our cross and serve in selfless ways, we can experience His abundant life and share in His joy.
How could the perfect, sinless, High King of Heaven come so low as to bear our sin? How could the Lord of Life taste death for us? Our praise and gratitude will be never ending.
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