Patch Me In

For: Choir + keyboard
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Patch Me In


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Year of composition
Andy Murray
Easy (Grades 1-3)
4 minutes
Modern classical music
License details
For anything not permitted by the above licence then you should contact the publisher first to obtain permission.

This piece is dedicated to PATCHED, which is is our local support organisation for people affected by loved ones who are dependent on drugs or alcohol.

When I first joined the PATCHED support group I wanted (needed) to compose a simple melody with words that expressed some of my own feelings at the time. Later, I added more verses using phrases collected from other support group members.

Each year PATCHED holds a day conference for carers and interested professionals. It was suggested that a small group of service-user volunteers could perform my song at our conference, so I made this mixed-ability SAB arrangement with a simple piano accompaniment.

Our brave volunteers met a few times to rehearse. Changes were made to match musical strengths. A guitar was added to support the opening solo (and throughout), and a flute too in some places. These changes do not appear in the score published here. Other groups are encouraged to make their own alterations/additions to match their local situations.

Our eventual conference performance brought a tear to several eyes. I hope that this song will find resonance with performers and audiences across the world, whether or not they themselves care for someone with a substance addiction.

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