PASTORALE op15 for orchestra

For: Orchestra
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PASTORALE op15 for orchestra



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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
12 minutes
Modern classical music
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PASTORALE for orchestra Op15 was written in April 1975 in Moscow. It is a kind of a tone-poem exploring the concept of sound of nature: waves of the sea, thunder, birds and wind in the forest, etc. The birds are represented by the following instruments: Nightingele = Flute piccolo, River Cricket = Violins I (divisi 1 & 5), Thrush = Clarinet piccolo, Quail = Temple blocks, Sparrow + violins I (divisi 3, 4 & 6), Mocking Bird = Flute, Landrail = Guiro, Cuckoo = Clarinet Goatsucker = Raganella, etc. The cast of Symphony orchestra is:��perc�strings. Duration is between 10 and 12 minutes. First performance took place on 14 February 1977 at the Conservatoire Hall, Leningrad, played by the Orchestra of Leningrad Conservatoire, Yuri Serebriakov (conductor). The full score was published by Sovetsky Kompozitor Publishers, Moscow, 1980 in the collection "Orchestral Works by Soviet Composers" Vol.7 (Now is not available anymore). Disc (LP): Opus Stereo 9110 1448, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, 1983

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