Oversee the Undersea

For: Choir
page one of Oversee the Undersea

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Oversee the Undersea


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Year of composition
John Rice
Easy (Grades 1-3)
2 minutes
Modern classical music
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This is the third poem from John Rice's marvellous book "Dreaming of Dinosaurs" that I have set to music. This should be performed with the other two: "Tyrannosaurus, Storm Fighter" and "Velociraptor, Smart Adaptor" before and after this more lyrical, flowing middle piece. It was composed for the pupils of St Lawrence College Junior School, Ramsgate, where I teach Music, after John Rice had visited us to take a Poetry workshop. He gave us permission to use the poem, along with the other two "Dinosaur" songs(previously published on Sibeliusmusic's Website), which I mention just in case anyone didn't read the box ticked above which says that the poet is living and has given me permission to use the lyrics (email him at poetjohnrice@btinternet.com if you're still not sure …)

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