ORGAN 3-Man. & Ped. - ORGAN - SIX SENSATIONS for Organ No.3 Tranquillo ma con moto

ORGAN 3 man. & Ped -SIX SENSATIONS No.3 Tranquillo ma con moto

For: Solo instrument (Organ [manuals with pedals])
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ORGAN 3-Man. & Ped. - ORGAN - SIX SENSATIONS for Organ No.3 Tranquillo ma con moto



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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
1 minute
Modern classical music
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Originally published in manuscript photocopies by the now defunct Publisher of Church Music Oecumuse, later computer-set. The Composer was Diector of Music at the Royal Masonic School, Bushey, Hertfordshire, which had a 3-manual and pedals pipe organ in the School’s Chapel of St. Alban. (The School closed in 1977.) The work has often been performed. kevin Bowyer has recently recorded it 0n Priory Records. ORGAN

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