Orchestral - Tone Poem - Praha 1st. Movement

The Astronomical Clock

For: Orchestra
page one of Orchestral - Tone Poem - Praha 1st. Movement

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Orchestral - Tone Poem - Praha 1st. Movement


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
15 minutes
Modern classical music
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This is the 1st Movement of my Orchestral work Praha. It is based on the Astronomical Clock in Prague’s Old Town. It divides neatly into four sections, each representing one of the seasons and each season is divided into sub-sections representing the signs of the zodiac within that season. The music represents both the character of the season and the individual character traits associated with each sign of the zodiac.

I’m stuck on Winter. Maybe the next few months will give me something to go on? Please feel free to tell me if you think it’s worth going on with or not.

To the people and city of Prague
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