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This arrangement is a transcription of my 2016 recording of the ancient hymn/carol "Of The Father’s Love Begotten" (hymn tune "Divinium Mysterium")."
The piece comes from a 12th-century plainsong. In plainsong, the lyrics, taken from the liturgy, take precedence over the rhythm; because the number of syllables in the lyrics varies from phrase to phrase, modern conventions of a consistent meter don’t apply. The melody can be played as freely as you wish for solo performance; for the sake of singing the song without a director to guide the group, I have scored the tune with an appropriate time signature for each phrase, with a consistent four-beat pause at the end of each phrase and eight beats at the end of each verse. The consistent length of pause at the end of each phrase should make sense to those with a music background, and they will be able to figure out where to come in for the next phrase. If you are inconsistent with the pause at the end of each phrase, it will be much harder for an undirected group to sing the song. This rigid approach isn’t ideal in the historical sense, but seems a reasonable compromise to make the song approachable for those not skilled in medieval music - which is probably just about everyone!
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Reviews of Of The Father’s Love Begotten - Christmas Carol / Hymn Piano Solo
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