O lux beata Trinitas

By: Andrea Gabrieli
For: Choir
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O lux beata Trinitas


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Andrea Gabrieli
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Classical music
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This lovely setting of the Vesper Hymn for the feast of the Holy Trinity (also set for Saturday Vespers from the Saturday after the Octave of Epiphany until Quadragesima and from the Octave of Pentecost until Advent) is from his Sacrae Cantiones Liber I of 1565 (2/1575). Gabrieli sets only the first two verses, which are through-composed, and leaves out the Doxology 'Deo Patri sit gloria'. The setting was therefore probably not intended for liturgical use and can be sung as a motet or anthem for Trinity Sunday or at other times.

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