Musical Squares

For: Large mixed ensemble
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Musical Squares


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Year of composition
Paul Burnell
Easy (Grades 1-3)
3 minutes
Classroom materials
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Musical Squares Composed Paul Burnell 1999-2001 This compilation produced in 2024

Musical Squares are compositions & arrangements that were originally printed on the moveable tiles of plastic puzzle trays. The idea was to move the squares around until a desired order was discovered. Although Musical Squares are no longer manufactured they are available here in two-dimensional form. There are currently five sets of Musical Squares with 6 pieces in each set.

Performance possibilites Move the squares around until you find an order you like. Play standard notational music with a clef appropriate to your instrument or as indicated. Where transposing instruments are indicated play the music as written. You can treat the 'space' as a bar rest. As well as playing the squares from left to right, try other directions, or change the order as you play. Experiment with tempo, dynamic, phrasing, articulation, repeats and 'mood'. In an ensemble try starting at different times or allocating solos. Try combining / overlapping different pieces to build a larger structure.

An interpretation of the Musical Squares pieces is included on Paul Burnell’s 2001 album ‘Leaving the Party on Pluto’.

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