Multimediaconcerto No. 21 for Cello, Korean Traditional Ensemble, Computer and Realtime Video "Sangju Arirang"

For: Orchestra + solo Solo Violoncello
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Multimediaconcerto No. 21 for Cello, Korean Traditional Ensemble, Computer and Realtime Video "Sangju Arirang"


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
15 minutes
Modern classical music
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This is a mixed concerto for Cello, Orchestra, Computer and Realtime Video. Orchestra is combined with Korean instruments and the western instruments as well as vioce. The computer part required programmed MAX/MSP/JITTER patch. If anyone want to perform this piece ask me the patch by Email. Youtube video:

첼로, 오케스트라, 컴퓨터, 실시간 영상을 위한 다매체협주곡. 한국 민요 "상주 아리랑"이 소재로 사용되었다. 유튜브 영상:

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