茉莉花 Jasmine I (Orchestra V1999 )

By: trad.
For: Orchestra
page one of 茉莉花 Jasmine I (Orchestra V1999 )

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茉莉花 Jasmine I (Orchestra V1999 )




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Year of composition
Year of arrangement
Easy (Grades 1-3)
4 minutes
Classical music
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Jasmine Flower is folk song of CHINA.

The song delineates the beautiful and fragrant jasmine flowers and the state of mind of a naïve and lovely girl. The melody was adopted by Giacomo Puccini, an Italian musician, in the opera Turandot.

the MP3 record this piece with an orchestra.

It is performed in the People Great Hall in Beijing on December 31st 2004 by Beijing Symphony Orchestra , Beijing 2005’s New Year’s concert, conducted by Justus Frantz.

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