Mein teurer Heiland, lass dich fragen [St.John Passion: bass]


By: Bach
For: Voice + keyboard
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Mein teurer Heiland, lass dich fragen [St.John Passion: bass]


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5 minutes
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Johann Sebastian Bach (March 1685 – July 1750) born in Eisenach, was a German composer and musician of the late Baroque period.

Known for his prolific output of music across many forms of music, he is regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of Western music.

He died in Leipzig in July 1750.

For further information about Johann Sebastian Bach.

Mein teurer Heiland, lass dich fragen, Bass, No 32: St John Passion, BWV245. J S Bach

For further information about St. John's Passion (German: Johannes-Passion).

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Mein teurer Heiland, laß dich fragen,
Da du nunmehr ans Kreuz geschlagen
Und selbst gesagt: Es ist vollbracht,
Bin ich vom Sterben frei gemacht?
Kann ich durch deine Pein und Sterben
Das Himmelreich ererben?
Ist aller Welt Erlösung da?
Du kannst vor Schmerzen zwar nichts sagen;
Doch neigest du das Haupt
Und sprichst stillschweigend: ja.

English translation:

My dear Savior, let me ask you,
Since you are now crucified
And have said yourself: It is finished,
Am I freed from dying?
Can I through your pain and death
Inherit the kingdom of heaven?
Is there salvation for all the world?
You can't say anything because of the pain;
But you bow your head
And you say silently: yes.

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) pronunciation of the German text.

mˈa͡ɪn tˈɔ͡ørɜ hˈa͡ɪlant, lˈɑːs dˈɪç frˈɑːɡən,
dˈɑː dˈuː nˈʊnmeːɾ ˈans kɾˈɔ͡øt͡s ɡəʃlˈɑːɡən
ˈʊnt zˈɛlpst ɡəzˈɑːkt: ˈɛs ˈɪst fɔlbɾˈaxt,
bˈɪn ˈɪç fˈɔm ʃtˈɛɾbən frˈa͡ɪ ɡəmˈaxt?
kˈan ˈɪç dˈ??ç dˈa͡ɪnə pˈa͡ɪn ˈʊnt ʃtˈɛɾbən
dˈas hˈɪməlrˌa͡ɪç ɛɾˈɛɾbən?
ˈɪst ˈalɜ vˈɛlt ɛɾlˈøːzʊŋ dˈɑː?
dˈuː kˈanst fˈɔɾ ʃmˈɛɾt͡sən t͡svˈɑːɾ nˈɪçts zˈɑːɡən;
dˈɔx nˈa͡ɪɡəst dˈuː dˈas hˈa͡ʊpt
ˈʊnt ʃpɾˈɪkst ʃtˈɪlʃva͡ɪɡənt: jˈɑː.

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