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(Do, please, read the notes to the first three movement of this suite.) Before the river Medlock leaves the metropolitan boroughs of Oldham and Tameside and begins to broaden out on its way to Manchester and the sea, it winds its way through the tree-lined valley beyond Park Bridge into Daisy Nook. Here in generations past the people of Oldham and its surrounding area found some respite from the gruelling conditions of monstrous steel and cotton mills and the stifling spaces of back-to-back terraced housing. Lovers walked hand in hand, families brought their pic-nics and the cheerful sounds, colours, lights and movements of seasonal fun-fairs offered moments of relaxation and delight. Much of that sense of relaxation and delight in simple human pleasures still persists as you walk the river bank today. In the music of this last movement of my Medlock Way Suite I have tried to suggest that the river itself joins in the recollection of such fun and frolic and rejoicing in being part of things where human beings relax as well as where they toil. To round things off, there is an unashamedly enthusiastic farewell wave to the river as it speeds on its way towards the sea, the sky and its water's return for another journey across the surface of the land somewhere on the planet.
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