
For: Voice + keyboard
page one of Liebeslieder

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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
7 minutes
Classical music
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1. Restless Love

Into the snow the rain, And the wind, Through steamy ravines, Through mists, Ever onwards! Without respite!

I would sooner fight my way Through suffering Than endure so much Of life’s joy. This affection Of one heart for another, Ah, how strangely It creates pain!

How shall I flee? Into the forest? It is all in vain! Crown of life, Happiness without peace, This, O love is you!

2. Small Flowers, Small Leaves

Small flowers, small leaves Are strewn for me with a light hand By good, young gods of Spring Playing on an airy ribbon.

Zephyr, put it on your wing, Loop it around my sweetheart’s dress; And so she’ll step in front of the mirror In all her merriment.

She will see herself surrounded by roses, Herself like a young rose; One glance, beloved life! And I will have reward enough.

Feel what this heart feels! Freely reach me your hand, And let this ribbon that binds us Be no weak ribbon of roses!

3. Welcome and Farewell

The moon gazed from a bank of cloud Mournfully through the haze, The winds softly beat their wings, Whirred eerily about my ears; Night brought forth a thousand monsters, Yet I was buoyant and bright: What fire in my veins! What ardour in my heart!

I saw you, felt the gentle joy Of your sweet eyes flood over me; My heart was wholly at your side And every breath I took for you. A rose-red light of spring Framed her lovely face, And tenderness for me- O gods! This I had hoped but never deserved!

But alas, with the morning sun Parting now constricts my heart: In your kisses what delight! In your eyes what pain! I went, you stood there gazing down, And gazed moist-eyed after me: And yet, what joy to be loved! And to be in love, O gods, what joy!

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