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This is part 2 of the story of the River Lee in Cork in Ireland, as it moves through the city on its journey to the sea at Cork Harbour.
The city journey begins at the western end, where the river divides into two channels, which encompass the city, flowing eastwards, before reuniting on entry to Cork Harbour and finally southwards into the Atlantic Ocean.
The channels pass under bridges heavily laden with traffic and in a quiet flow, reflect the stately image of St. Finbarr's cathedral. (The city's founding is attributed to this saint).
The brass section represent one channel and the strings section the other. the playing of the harbour and the piano attempt ot induce the 'warey' feeling of the river. A final theme is developed to represent the stately flow of the river as it enters the wider scope of the harbour.
Again, as in part 1, there are some expression marks, as I await an orchestral performance and discussion with a conductor, before the final draft of the piece is signed off on. Please let me know if you know an orchestra who might interested in performance of these pieces. Thanks.
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