Landler - Salzkammergut dances

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
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Landler - Salzkammergut dances


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
4 minutes
Classical music
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A Landler from the Salzkammergut, the waltz's predecessor, using a combination of ornamental and amplified variation.

The cross-staved figures are there as during the course of the works conception, I was struggling to find a playable way to emulate hand-clapping and feet stomping, which moreover rendered the appropriate effect.

It remains of course up for debate whether without a programme, one would instantly associate these to the above mentioned. Prior knowledge of the actual dance and its steps are of great help.

The original theme is the same, and the more percussive nature of the piano is taken advantage of, with some pseudo-Lisztian brute force thrown-in for good measure.

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