Into My Heart An Air That Kills

For: Voice + keyboard
page one of Into My Heart An Air That Kills

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Into My Heart An Air That Kills


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Year of composition
A.E. Housman
Difficult (Grades 7+)
2 minutes
Modern classical music
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This piece is dedicated to Mr Rod Moulds, composer and friend, in grateful appreciation for his generous advice and unstinting help during the final stages of composing this setting some two years ago.

I have since revisited the setting and found it needed further work and refinement. The revised score includes many minor additions and adjustments, the most important being the change in the vocal part from soprano to tenor. My thanks for many helpful comments and insights from Andrew Lowe-Watson, Maria Ljungdahl and Juan Jos� Ortega.

The attached mp3 is taken from a recital on 25th February 2006 given by the tenor Nicholas Watts and the pianist James Longford at Portsmouth Grammar School. My sincere thanks to them both for such a musically satisfying performance and for their permission to record and upload this recording.

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