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"Hornpipe" was produced as a response to an teacher traing exercise where the requirement was to compose a piece for one experienced player, one relatively unexperienced and a total beginner, along with piano accompainment. Hence my instrumentation for the incredibly common combination of:-

Part 1 - C part for experienced penny whistle (or flute player)

Part 2 - Bb part for a relatively unexperienced cornet (or trumpet) player with fingerings

Part 3 - a viola part for a beginner using open strings only and with bowings.

I doubt if anyone will want to use this combination (if you do, I will be stunned), however, if you think you could use the piece for other instruments , please e-mail me and I will happily create and/or transpose parts and mail them to you (e.g. an alto sax part could be used instead of the cornet part etc).

My thanks to Erin Wilson,


double bass player extraordinare, fellow teacher trainee and Sibelius Music composer for help with the viola bowings.

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