ピアノの弾き方入門連弾曲集(Piano Duet Album for Beginners learning) 1-3 小さなマーチ ( 1-3 A Little March)

Piano Duet Album for Beginners Volume 1 No.3

For: Piano four hands
page one of ピアノの弾き方入門連弾曲集(Piano Duet Album for Beginners learning) 1-3 小さなマーチ ( 1-3 A Little March)

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ピアノの弾き方入門連弾曲集(Piano Duet Album for Beginners learning) 1-3 小さなマーチ ( 1-3 A Little March)


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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
2 minutes
Classroom materials
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For anything not permitted by the above licence then you should contact the publisher first to obtain permission.

To teachers Progression of student’s knowledge and skill about music is depended on teachers instruction a lot.

I hope students will learn various things, over complete each duet.

Please feel free to contact me. Phone number : +081-70-5590-7576


The score of binding the wind ensemble arrangement and parts are up for Yahoo auction in Japan,too. (2015/7/10~2015/7/15-20:31 Japan time) http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w122542398

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1. Prelude From "Yui and Fantastic Grandpa", 語彙の構築(英語パワーは単語から) Building the Vocabulary (English Power from Words), Babies March (赤ちゃん行進曲) for Small Wind Ensemble(小吹奏楽版), A Little March(小さなマーチ) For Wind Ensemble(吹奏楽版), The first half of the first music for children, 3) Rainbow colored birds prayed (piano four hands), I came digging sweet potatoes first time, What is this? (For your study) , What is this?, 練習曲 第4番 (メヌエット ニ長調) 初見視奏の練習 , Basic Etude 4 ( Menuett D major) Practicing of Playing at Sight, 音楽理論のための基礎練習曲: レッスン 2 /  リズムの工夫 / 導音とは何か / 和声的短音階とは何か, Basic Etude for Music Theory : Lesson 2 / Rythm invention / What is Leading Note / What is Harmonic Minor Scale, 音楽理論のための基礎練習曲: レッスン 1 / 長音階と自然短音階とは, Basic Etude for Music Theory : Lesson 1  / What is major and natural-minor scale, When I come to the Dentist’s ! (Voice duet part), When I come to the Dentist’s ! ( Voice duet & Piano four hands), Piano Duet March : Heading Straight for Spring, A Little March, 森へ祈る ( I pray to the forest) ピアノ連弾曲 第一番 (Piano pice for four hands No.1), ピアノの弾き方入門連弾曲集(Piano Duet Album for Beginners learning) 1-1 なんだかうれしいな!( 1-1 Someting Happy!) and ピアノの弾き方入門連弾曲集(Piano Duet Album for Beginners learning) 1-2 雨の日のメヌエット(1-2 Menuetto in the fine day for ducks)

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