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HEINRICH MARQUARDT, my grandfather from my mother's side, born 4 March 1896 in Bremen, died 6 April 1987 at the same place, did have nothing to do with music at all, except enjoying it by listening to it in concerts, on radio and TV. He was a banker by profession, and his world consisted of finances and commerce. However, as a boy he fangled out a little song in a phantasy language invented by him, for which reason, he never wrote it down but once sang it and dictated the text to me, when I myself was still a little boy. At that time, I was not yet skilled in music, and much less, in musical notation, but both things, text and melody remained engraved in my memory. Much later, already as a grown-up, I was able to also write down the melody which I harmonized for four voices. Later I extended the piece and orchestrated it for Salsa Band and vocals. Unfortunately, my grandfather forgot to give me a translation of this phantasy song, which he imagined as belonging to a savage exotic tribe. I myself did not have the presence of mind to ask him for it. Now, I can no longer do that, because since 6 April 1987, he does not follow up any medical appointments nor busy himself with the pittances of this world. Therefore, the listeners must content themselves with what is served to them.
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