Frog in Clogs (Variation)

Blue Variation

By: Joshua Devine
For: Solo instrument (Piano)
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Frog in Clogs (Variation)


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Joshua Devine
Joshua Devine
Easy (Grades 1-3)
2 minutes
Classroom materials and Classical music
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This is an arrangement of Alouette for easy piano. Alouette is a French word that means lark, and this children’s song is thought to originate from French Canada. Like many children’s songs, Alouette tells a rather tragic story. A little skylark is having its feathers slowly plucked out. Before playing this extended arrangement (notated on a four line staff), it is recommended that you play the red level arrangement (notated on a three line staff). Ask your students to compare and contrast these two arrangements and help them think through the form and structure of each piece. Alouette, gentille alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai. Little skylark, lovely little skylark, Little skylark, I’ll pluck your feathers off.

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