Freuet Euch, Ihr Christen Alle

Rejoice all you Christians

By: A. Hammerschmidt 1611-1675
For: Quartet of Soprano Recorders
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Freuet Euch, Ihr Christen Alle




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A. Hammerschmidt 1611-1675
Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
2 minutes
Classical music
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Andreas Hammerschmidt was a very popular organist and composer of the mid 17th century in Bohemian Germany. Most of his choral works were written in the concertato style, which was later changed to a cantate, made famous by J.S. Bach. The concertato style promoted a contrast between a soloist or group of solo singers and the tutti, or full choir. This is the style which is attempted in this arrangement for three solo instruments and an ensemble of recorders. There are a few changes from previous versions which were posted earlier. The key is also changed, as I find the lower registers work better with recorders.

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