Festival music sounds in the Metropolis (都市に響く祭囃子)

Symphonic Rock No.1 (交響的ロック 第一番)

For: Orchestra + solo Piano
page one of Festival music sounds in the Metropolis (都市に響く祭囃子)

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Festival music sounds in the Metropolis (都市に響く祭囃子)


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
4 minutes
Rock and Pop music
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この曲では、日本の大都市の片隅にある神社で行われる、昔からの祭りの不思議な光景を音楽で表現した。 On this tune, I express how I feel wonderful traditional festival scene which is held at the corner shrine in the metropolis in Japan.

Please feel free to contact me. Phone number : +081-70-5590-7576

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