Es ist vollbracht [St. John Passion: alto/mezzo]


By: Bach
For: Voice + keyboard
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Es ist vollbracht [St. John Passion: alto/mezzo]


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Difficult (Grades 7+)
4 minutes
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Johann Sebastian Bach (March 1685 – July 1750) born in Eisenach, was a German composer and musician of the late Baroque period.

Known for his prolific output of music across many forms of music, he is regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of Western music.

He died in Leipzig in July 1750.

For further information about Johann Sebastian Bach.

Es ist vollbracht!, alto/mezzo aria, No 30: St John Passion, BWV245. J S Bach

For further information about St. John's Passion (German: Johannes-Passion).

To purchase a recording of the work


Es ist vollbracht!
O Trost vor die gekränkten Seelen!
Die Trauernacht
Läßt nun die letzte Stunde zählen.
Der Held aus Juda siegt mit Macht
Und schließt den Kampf.
Es ist vollbracht!

English translation:

It's done!
Oh consolation for the injured souls!
This night of mourning
Let the last hour draw to a close.
The hero from Judah wins with might
And completes the fight.
It's done!

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) pronunciation of the German text.

ˈɛs ˈɪst fɔlbɾˈaxt!
ˈoː tɾˈoːst fˈɔɾ dˈiː ɡəkɾˈɛŋktən zˈeːlən!
dˈiː tɾˈa͡ʊɜnˌaxt
lˈɛst nˈuːn dˈiː lˈɛt͡stə ʃtˈʊndə t͡sˈɛːlən.
dˈɛɾ hˈɛlt ˈa͡ʊs jˈuːdɑː zˈiːkt mˈɪt mˈaxt
ˈʊnt ʃlˈiːst dˈeːn kˈampf.
ˈɛs ˈɪst fɔlbɾˈaxt!

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