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You are purchasing high quality sheet music PDF files suitable for printing or viewing on digital devices.Esta grabaci�n fue efectuada con un minidisc en el teatro de EL Palmar (murcia) a cargo de la agrupaci�n musical juvenil "Las Musas" de Guadalupe.
El ultimo unicornio es una obra corta para banda sinf�nica inspirada en la novela de Peter S. Beagle. La historia versa sobre una unicornio que un d�a se da cuenta de que es la �ltima de su especie e, intrigada, decide salir del refugio de su bosque de lilas y buscar a los dem�s unicornios. Al principio la confunden con una yegua blanca, pero luego una bruja que la reconoce como unicornio la captura para luego ser salvada por un mago torpe llamado Schmendrick, el cual le hace ver al unicornio que nadie sabe que ella lo es. Schmendrick, quien ha sido hechizado y condenado a permanecer eternamente joven hasta que consiga volverse un mago de verdad, se solidariza con el unicornio, buscando �l mismo sus propias respuestas, y juntos emprenden un camino buscando al Toro Rojo del Rey Haggard, que parece ser la clave del misterio. Luego se les une Molly Grue, una mujer treinta�era que siente que la llegada del unicornio le ha devuelto la fe en las cosas.
This recording was carried out with minidisc in the theater of the Palmar (Murcia) in charge of youthful the musical grouping �the Musas� of Guadalupe. I complete unicornio is a short work for symphonic band inspired by the novel of Peter S. Beagle. History turns on an unicorn that a day realizes of which she is the last one of his species and, intrigued, decides to leave the refuge of its forest of lilas and to look for the other unicorns. At the outset they confuse with a white mare, but soon one witch who recognizes as unicorn the capture soon to be saved by a clumsy magician called Schmendrick, which makes him see unicorn that nobody knows that she is it. Schmendrick, who has been enchanted and condemned to eternally remain young until she is able to really become a magician, supports with unicorn, looking for he himself his own answers, and together they undertake a way looking for the Red Bull of Rey Haggard, who seems to be the key of the mystery. Soon Molly Grue is united to them, a thirtyish woman who feels that the arrival of unicorn has given back the faith to him in the things.
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