DREAM JOURNEY (Basho) op140/16. Flute of Sumadera. Voice, fl

For: Large mixed ensemble
page one of DREAM JOURNEY (Basho) op140/16. Flute of Sumadera. Voice, fl

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DREAM JOURNEY (Basho) op140/16. Flute of Sumadera. Voice, fl


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Year of composition
Matsuo Bash� (1644-1694)
Difficult (Grades 7+)
3 minutes
Modern classical music
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DREAM JOURNEY (夢は枯野を-Yume wa kareno wo-Грёзы скитаний) 17 Haiku by 松尾芭蕉�Matsuo Bash? Op.140 (2003-4) was commissioned by Simon Rayner. The new version includes 17 three-line poems (haiku) and lasts about 36 minutes. It is set for Soprano (or Tenor) Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Piano. A singer can choose to perform the cycle in Japanese, Russian, or English language. My gratitude to Isao Yasuda (Hitachi Ltd.) and Simon Ryner for the help with Japanese and English translations

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