Disco Toccata for Organ (Rev.)

For: Solo instrument (Organ [manuals])
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Disco Toccata for Organ (Rev.)


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
2 minutes
Modern classical music
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Written for a young organ pupil who plays mainly by ear and has manual dexterity with the ability to improvise (Jazz style) but whose ability to play from written music is as yet quite limited - hence the simple pedal line and the easily learnt (repetitious?) phrases. I hope it can be used by young players as a fun piece and perhaps by older organists who don?t mind the congregation speculating on what they have been up to on Saturday night! Registration should be fairly loud but clear with the Swell somewhat leaner and sharper than the Great. Assessing the difficulty has not been easy as some will find it comparatively easy and others trickier so I have settled for the middle grades. Ediited 3.2.2006 to remove some awkwardness in left-hand theme and transition to final section.

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