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Danza Mecánica : una danza de la muerte is a work with a decidedly Viennese nature. It is a Viennese dance form (the waltz), written in a Viennese musical language (12-tone serialism), upon which is imposed a Viennese genre (the Totentanz tradition), composed for an historically Viennese instrument (the tuba) with a consciously Viennese piano (the Bösendorfer 225 Half Concert Grand). It has a Spanish title because it includes a quote from the familiar waltz, Over the Waves (an inside joke involving a tubist from college), penned by the Mexican composer Juventino Rosas (original title, Sobre las olas). The work is semi-programmatic in structure. A large, sinister music box is wound, plays down, is re-wound more tightly, and plays to its own destruction. It may lend itself to choreography.
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