Crimson, First Movement Variation

For: Orchestra
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Crimson, First Movement Variation


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
4 minutes
Modern classical music
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This is a new version of Crimson, First Movement that I published a few months ago. It is slightly longer, has a more dramatic ending and has a little more involvement from the orchestra in the middle of the piece. The melodic line is pretty much the same as the first version, and the chord progression still moves around F major, with some tonicizations around Dm. I eliminated the Clarinet and the basoon, and reduced the number of timpani required to A and C. Thanks to Heath Jeffrey, and the comments about the bass being too heavy. I tried lo lift it a little bit, but my intentions in this piece are more about spectacular than romantic and the bass serves that purpose well.
06/12/06. I added a few more changes, some additional expression marks that were missing and a few corrections here and there.

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