Cloudy with a Chance of Notes

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
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Cloudy with a Chance of Notes


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
1 minute
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This piece is intended to be a musical emulation of a storm with thunder and all the works, thus the weather-related name. I added dissonances in key points in order to create the sense of tension and uneasiness usually associated with tempests. The trill cocaphony of measure 4 is suppose to be the blast of thunder that echoes into measure 5. Then measure 16 is a temporary airy break in the storm that immediately returns to the gloomy main element by measure 22. The last two measures optimistically give hope for a brighter and calmer future before the piece ends. This piece has some difficult parts due to the frequent key changes and the fast pace, but it is generally playable.

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