Christmas Morn

By: E.J. Hopkins arr. David Grace
For: Brass band
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Christmas Morn




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E.J. Hopkins arr. David Grace
Year of composition
David Grace
Year of arrangement
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
1 minute
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An arrangement for small brass band/ ensemble of a setting of a children’s carol -" The wise may bring their learning " / "The joyful morn is breaking"

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Christmas Day, Bethlehem Down, Cherry Tree Carol, Patapan, Mendelssohn Motets 5: Im Advent [Advent], Mendelssohn Motets: 1 Weihnachten [Christmas Day], There Came Three Kings, Lullay My Liking, Away in a Manger, Somerset Carol, Rejoice and be Merry, Jolly Old St Nicholas, I Sing the Birth [Elgar], El Noi de la Mare [Catalonian Carol], In Excelsis Gloria, Angelus ad virginem, Sussex Mummers Carol, Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabelle, Sweet was the song the Virgin sung, At the Cradle [Grieg], En Natus Est Emanuel, A Christmas Lullaby [Grieg/Grace] SATB, A Christmas Lullaby [Grieg/Grace], My Dancing Day, Welcome, Yule [Parry], Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind, A Christmas Lullaby [Grieg], A Cradle Carol [SATB], A Cradle Carol, The Christmas Tree [Cornelius], Away in a Manger, Beside Thy Cradle Here I Stand, Up Good Christan Folk and Listen, Hodie Christus natus est, I Sing the Birth [Parry], Christmas Tree Carol, Christmas Tree Carol [SATB], Away in a Manger, Three Kings from Persian Lands Afar, Three Christmas Chorales, Upon the Snow-Clad Earth, Bach Christmas Chorales, The Cowkeeper’s Carol [Grieg/Grace] Children’s version, Cowkeeper's Carol, Christmas Tree Song [Grieg], The Cowkeeper's Carol, While Shephers Watched [Sullivan], I Sing the Birth [Sullivan], Wexford Carol, The Son of God is Born for All, Cowkeeper’s Carol, All this Night Bright Angels Sing, Hail, Jesu Christ [Christmas Chorale], Blessed be that Maid Marie [English Carol], Break Forth O Beauteous Heav’nly Light, A Gloucestershire Wassail and O Holy Night

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