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The cello concerto is in three contrasting movements. The first movement is a dramatic reflection on the turmoils of a typical modern city. apid passages with clashing harmonies convey the chaotic atmosphere of the day. In between we have short calmer passages that gives a breathing to the more tempestuous moments. The solo cello plays a primary role in leading the orchestra in these very active and calmer moods as an anchor. The second movement is a tranquil meditation on the transitional passage of life's more intimate moments. To reflect on the everyday conflicts and resolutions. A look to past glories and future endeavors. The third movement in its zealous activity brings us rays of hope for a future that promises better days ahead. It is an optimistic statement of purpose. In the end we shall triumph over all the negative moments that befalls us. Thus the concerto ends very quietly in a statement of hope. Musically the concerto uses as a building block two main intervals: the fouth and the fifth. The interval of the fourth is derived from the scale used since antiquity in Armenian church music called "sharagan" and in Armenian folk music. The interval of the fifth comes from Western traditional harmony. Thi is a combination that I use often in my more recent music.
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Bassoon, Clarinet in A, Contrabass, Cymbals, Flute, Piccolo, Horn in F, Oboe, Snare Drum, Timpani, Trombone, Trumpet in C, Viola, Violin I, Violin II, Violoncello and Violoncello
Bassoon, Clarinet in A, Contrabass, Cymbals, Flute, Piccolo, Horn in F, Oboe, Snare Drum, Timpani, Trombone, Trumpet in C, Viola, Violin I, Violin II, Violoncello and Violoncello