Carols For Brass Set 1

By: trad.
For: Brass band
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Carols For Brass Set 1


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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
8 minutes
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Here are eight favourite carols arranged in standard four part harmony. The range of parts available means that they can be played by almost any combination of four brass instruments. The carols may stand alone or accompany voices, and an introduction to each is provided for use in the latter instance. The short score is at concert pitch, with Parts 1 and 2 shown in the treble stave and Parts 3 and 4 in the bass. It is not essential for you to purchase the score, and in many cases you will only need to buy three parts (costing only $1.50 each), eg Parts 1 and 2 in Bb, Parts 2 and 3 in F and Parts 3 and 4 in C will cover the needs of any brass quintet or quartet. You are welcome to photocopy extra parts as required. Please email me with any comments or suggestions. CAROLS FOR BRASS SET 2 is also available on this site. To see my other scores available on this site, go to:

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