Brauhaus Boogie (JCO/Score & Parts)

For: Jazz combo
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Brauhaus Boogie (JCO/Score & Parts)



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Year of composition
Josef Peter Traun
Easy (Grades 1-3)
3 minutes
Ragtime music and Jazz music
License details
For anything not permitted by the above licence then you should contact the publisher first to obtain permission.

If you’ve made a recording (sound or video file) during a rehearsal or a concert or even a music production of one of my compositions, I would be glad if you could send me all these material (mp3, mp4) for my archives. I´m also interested in concert programms (PDF). Thank you!

Falls Sie einen Ton- oder Videomitschnitt während einer Probe, einem Konzert oder vielleicht sogar eine Musikproduktion von einer oder mehrer meiner Kompositionen gemacht haben, ersuche ich um Zusendung des Ton- oder Videomaterials (mp3, mp4) für mein Archiv. Ich bin auch an Konzertprogrammen Ihrer Aufführungen im pdf-Format interessiert. Danke!

As performed by "Siebenphoniker"
To purchase this score, please add it to your cart above. To purchase music not currently available on Score Exchange or for extended license requests, please contact the publisher directly.
Etüde Nr. 5a (GS), I Hear Music Around (VRB/JCO/Score & Parts/Version G-Dur/G-Major), Wake Up Blues (TJB/Score & Parts), As Is (TJB/Score & Parts), Moonlite Charleston (KS), Duett 1 (TJB/Score & Parts), I Hear Music Around (VJCO/JCO/Score & Parts/Version C-Dur/C-Major), Dear Susan (CO/Score & Parts), Etüde Nr. 4b (GS), What Else Can I Do? (VPN/Score & Parts), That Strange Thing (BB/Score & Parts), Ich trau' mich nicht (VPN/Score & Parts), Samba Por Ke (GKM/Score & Parts), It’s A Long Way To You (JCO/Score & Parts), Villancico de Navidad (GGM/Score & Parts), Come Closer (VJCO5/Score & Parts), One More ChaChaCha (CO3/Score & Parts), (I Am A Poor) Wayfaring Stranger (VCO/Score & Parts), My Sweet Rosetta (KS), San Jose (STQI/Score & Parts), Reggae Pour François (GGM/Score & Parts), Swing Pour Un Ami (GGM/Score & Parts), Maybe (Starlight) (VJCO/Score & Parts), He's Got The Whole World (GE/Score & Parts), Summer Breeze (VJCO/Score & Parts), Du-Bah (VJCO/Score & Parts), Summer Breeze (VPN/Score & Parts), Nameless Girl (VJCO/Score & Parts), Nameless Girl (VPN/Score & Parts), Etüde Nr. 6a (GS), Dialoge (JCO/Score & Parts), Eight Crazy Strings (JCO5b), Ein neuer Morgen (A New Morning/01/GP2/Score & Parts), Saturday Night Rag (SO/Score & Parts) - Kurze Fassung / Short Version, Saturday Night Rag (SO/Score & Parts) - Lange Fassung / Long Version, Come Closer (JCO1/2b/3b/Score & Parts), San Jose (GKM/Score & Parts), Eight Crazy Strings (VB/Score & Parts), Backstage Blues (JCO5b/Score & Parts), Ragtime Dixie Medley 1 (JCO/Score & Parts), My Sweet Rosetta (JCO/Score & Parts), San Jose (GS), Come Closer (VPN/Score & Parts), San Jose (GCO3b/Score & Parts), San Jose (CO3b/Score & Parts), Gurktaler Walzergrüße (CO2-5/Score & Parts), San Jose (GCO5/Score & Parts), Dreamin’ (VPN/Score & Parts), Ein neuer Morgen (A New Morning/01/GS), That Strange Thing (JCO/Score & Parts), Bosambo (JCO1-5b/Score & Parts for all different staffs), Aura Lee (GS) Version 4, Dreamin’ (VJCO/Score & Parts), My Sweet Rosetta (JQA/Score & Parts), Amaze The Grace (JCO4b/Score & Parts), Easy, But Dizzy (KS), Slowakische Rhapsody (GEM/Score & Parts) and Saturday Night Rag (CQA/Score & Parts) - mit Solo für Bassklarinette in Bb

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