Bratislava Fanfare

By: Milos Betko
For: Concert band / wind band
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Bratislava Fanfare



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Milos Betko
Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
1 minute
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EN: 6Tpt-Tbn-Timp | This is one of the various versions of this fanfare. The others are orchestrated for small drum, brass, brass & battery, and for the symphony orchestra as well. | The fanfare was used on the occasions of town ceremonies in Bratislava - the capital of Slovakia, between 1996 and 1998.

Composer | Publisher

SK: Bratislavska fanfara | 6Tr-Tn-Tp | Toto je jedna z viacerych verzii tejto fanfary. Dalsie verzie su instrumentovane pre maly bubon, plechove nastroje, plechove a bicie nastroje, a tiez pre symfonicky orchester. | Fanfara bola pouzivana pri slavnostnych mestskych ceremoniach v Bratislave, v rokoch 1996 - 1998.

Skladatel | Vydavatel

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