Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 25. Ohimè dov'è il mio ben

By: Claudio Monteverdi
For: Brass choir
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Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 25. Ohimè dov'è il mio ben


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Claudio Monteverdi
Year of composition
Year of arrangement
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
6 minutes
Classical music
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At long last I have nearly finished the 7th book. This book has posed some issues as it is such complex music it is almost impossible to cut it down to 5 parts while maintaining its integrity. As a result, some songs will be in 6 or more parts.

Here is a group of four very short songs for soprano duet with continuo. I have arranged them as a duet for trumpet/cornet with a four part accompaniment.

The four songs are related under the commone title "Ohimè, dov'è il mio ben" but each also has a title of its own:

1. Romanesca a 2 (This is the subtitle. A romanesca was a musical formula characterised by a falling sequence of 5 notes and with a fixed harmonic progression.) The text translates as "Alas, where is my beloved?" 2. Dunque ha potuto sol desio d'onore - "Can it be that love of honour…" 3. Dunque ha potuto in me, più che il mio amore - "Can it be that ambition and vainglory…" 4. Ahi, sciocco mondo - "Alas, foolish blind world"

Each song is a setting of a pair of couplets which together form the whole poem, which is why I have collected them together here. Besides, on their own, each is too short.

Here also is evidence of Monteverdi's progress in telling a story through music.

These four songs work beautifully on brass, with gorgeous suspensions and resolutions and well directed rhythmic drive from the accompaniment.

The seventh book is quite a change from the earlier ones. Monteverdi seems to be concentrating on developing solos and duets, trios and small accompanied ensembles. The accompaniments are often written out with more than just long note chords. The intricate instrumental parts are more than just filling in the harmony (hence the difficulty in paring them down.)

Once again, these songs are exquisitely crafted and travel well onto brass.

Parts are supplied as follows:

1 - Part 1 in Bb - Trumpet/Cornet 2 - Part 2 in Bb - Trumpet/Cornet 3 - Part 3 in F/Eb - Horn 4 - Part 4 in F/Eb - Horn 5 - Part 5 in C/Bb - Trombone/Euphonium/Baritone 6 - Part 6 in C/Eb - Tuba/Eb Bass

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10 Part Brass Choir - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 24. Con che soavità, Brass Octet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 23. Ai lume delle stelle a8, Brass Octet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 22. Tu dormi à8, Brass Septet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 21. Parlo miser o taccio à7, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 20. Eccomi pronta ai baci à6, Brass Septet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 19. Vaga su spina ascosa à7, Brass Septet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 18. Augellin à7, 10-piece Brass Ensemble - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 29. Amor che deggio far, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 17. Interrotte speranze à6, Brass Septet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 16. S'el vostro cor Madonna a7, Brass Choir - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 33. Tirsi e Clori, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 15. Soave libertate à6, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 14. Tornate, Brass Quintet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 13. Perché fuggi a5, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 12. Ecco vicine o bella Tigre a6, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 11. Non vedrò mai le stelle a6, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 10. Ah, che non si conviene a6, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 09. Dice la mia bellissima Licori a6, Brass Quintet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 08. Vorrei baciarti a5, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 03. Non è di gentil core à6, Brass Quintet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 01 Sinfonia and 02 Tempro la cetra a5, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 06. Io son pur vezzosetta pastorella a6, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 04. A quest'olmo a6, Brass Sextet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 05. O come sei gentile a6, Brass Quintet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 07. O Viva Fiamma a5, Brass Septet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 7 - 28. Chiome d'oro, Brass Ensemble - The Grand old Duke of York, Brass Choir - Soave sia il vento from "Cosi Fan Tutte", Brass Septet - The 22:21 (Arr for 3211) and Brass Sextet - Allegro Spiritoso

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