Brass Quintet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 5 - 18. E cosi a poco a poco a sei voci

By: Claudio Monteverdi
For: Brass quintet
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Brass Quintet - Monteverdi Madrigals Book 5 - 18. E cosi a poco a poco a sei voci


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Claudio Monteverdi
Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
5 minutes
Classical music
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The Fifth book of madrigals starts to see much more development towards operatic style writing, with more songs being strung together to form scenas and with the addition of accompaniment on instruments. Some of these songs can be written by incorporating the accompaniment into the parts for those instruments which are resting, some will require more than a quintet. Certainly as we get into the next three books, reduction to a quintet will become increasingly more difficult, if not impossible.

The penultimate song, again presents difficulties in arranging for quintet, however the sixth voice mostly alternates with the others and so with a bit of jusicious adaptation, a six-voice song becomes a quintet.

E cosi a poco a poco a sei voci - Our young man has obviously been spurned (yet again) "And so little by little like a butterfly simpleton I'll return to the fire in those false eyes"

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