Brass Duet (Bb + Eb) - The Sublime and the Sophisticated

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Brass Duet (Bb + Eb) - The Sublime and the Sophisticated


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
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This is a fun new duet for almost any combination of Eb and Bb instruments. The time signature of 12/8 gives the music a bit of a lilt and gives rise to the slightly off-beat accompaniment patterns. The piece should sound relaxed and 'laid back' all the way through. The melody should, of course, be given prominence throughout. The semiquaver (16th) runs at the end of a bar should be non-legato, but not staccato and the septuplets, when they happen, should be slurred and even.

A great little concert piece for two and a good number for GCSE practicals and recitals.

Parts are supplied for

Part 1 in Eb/F Part 2 in Bb(Treble/Bass)

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