Aurora's Dream

For: Solo Violoncello + piano
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Aurora's Dream



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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
4 minutes
Modern classical music and Classical music
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I had been wanting to try writing a piano and cello piece for a while now. I knew it would be this sort of style but it look some time for a melody to come to me. Eventually, this came to mind while playing the game "Child of Light". The music of that game undoubtedly influenced this piece, and so it's named in honour of the title character, Aurora, and the whole premise of the game is that she is in a dream, so there you go. Not an amazingly inspired title, but hopefully you will enjoy the piece!

Technically, the piece shouldn't pose too much of a challenge to either instrument, but careful thought needs to be given to the phrasing and dynamics to really make the most of it.

As always, do get in touch at with any feedback or requests!

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