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This is a true piece of gothic revival music by the German composer, theorist and teacher Moritz Hauptmann (b Dresden, 13 Oct 1792; d Leipzig, 3 Jan 1868). In this work one hears both the influence of the old polyphony that was part of what the romantics discovered in the music of the past, and the assertive tonal style with those simple and triumphant homophonic declarations that one often associates with Mendelssohn, who it happens, Hauptmann knew personally. It was originally scored for instruments used in a Cival War Era Military Band: E-flat Cornet; B-flat Cornet; 2 E-flat Alto Horns; Baritone; Tenor Trombone, 2 Bass Tubas. I have rescored it for modern brass ensemble, this time 2 Trumpets in B-flat, 2 Horns in F, 1 Trombone, 1 Bass Trombone and Tuba. It is a wonderful piece of antiphonal music in the manner of Gabrieli. I have kept the 2 choir configuration in tact. I find this piece astonishing in its singing style and beautiful melody, especially since it is written for brass instruments. This work is found in The American Brass Band Journal (published in New York : John F. Stratton, 1866-70.)
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Reviews of Auf dem See (double quartet: at the lake) for Brass Octet
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1. Trumpet in B-flat, Choir 1: Auf dem see, 2. Horn in F, Choir 1: Auf dem See, 3. Trombone Choir 1: Auf dem See, 4. Bass Trombone Choir 1: Auf dem See, 5. Trumpet in B-flat, Choir 2: Auf dem See, 6. Horn in F, Choir 2: Auf dem See, 7. Trombone, Choir 2: Auf dem See and 8. Tuba, Choir 2: Auf dem See
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