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During the summer of 2020, several ensembles found themselves wanting to continue performing music at home. Many of these ensembles did not have access to traditional percussion instruments. To allow percussionists to have a way of performing despite not having access to their instruments, I decided to write a march using found instruments or instruments you can find in everyday life. For example, the crash cymbals may be played by two metal trash can lids, and the snare drum could be a small plastic garbage can. This march may also be performed with traditional instruments or found percussion based on the director’s preference. Here is a chart of what each found instrument represents:
Part Found Instrument Traditional Instrument
Timpani Metal Pots (Three different sizes)
Small, Medium, and Large as possible Three Timpani
Percussion 1 Small Plastic Garbage Can Snare Drum
Percussion 1 Large Plastic Garbage Can Bass Drum
Percussion 2 Metal Garbage Can Lids Crash Cymbals
Percussion 2 Triangle Triangle
Percussion 2 Vacuum Cleaner Vacuum Cleaner
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