Asmodeus, King of Hell

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
page one of Asmodeus, King of Hell

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Asmodeus, King of Hell


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Modern classical music
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Huzzah! Another, character piece! This one is actually describing a character! Whoa! Anyway, this piece is about the decadence and arrognce of the devil, who unfortunately meets an untimely end from his Chancellor of the Senate. At the B section at measure 60, don't be paniced at what looks like a bunch of random notes, which is what they are, instead, look for the pattern, which is also what they are as well. Once you get the pattern under your fingers, you can, most likely, play the pattern in any other key/mode. In fact, you could make that pattern a warm up practice for that section.

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