ALTER EGO per violino e viola

For: Duet of Solo Violas
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ALTER EGO per violino e viola



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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
12 minutes
Modern classical music
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For anything not permitted by the above licence then you should contact the publisher first to obtain permission.

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Inspiration to creating the duo for violin and viola comes from general principle of biuniqueness. This "alter ego" becomes a shadow, a mirror, a partner and also an antagonist. Both figures alternately identify with each other, diverge and get together, but all the time they remain as if they were the only body.

Jistou inspirací k vytvoření dua pro housle a violu byl obecný princip dvojjedinosti. Alter ego, ono "druhe já" je ve skladbě stínem i zrcadlem, partnerem i soupeřem. Obě figury se v průbehu střídave ztotožnují, rozcházejí a zase scházejí, avšak stále zůstávají jakoby jedním tělem.

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