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Abscheulicher! wo eilst du hin? [Fidelio: sop.]
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You are purchasing high quality sheet music PDF files suitable for printing or viewing on digital devices.Ludwig van Beethoven, (December 1770 – March 1827) born in Bonn, was a German composer and pianist.
One of the most respected figures in the history of Western music, his works are now some of the most performed in the classical music repertoire. Towards the middle years of his life he progressively became deaf. This drove him from performing in public, but towards his skills as a composer. Thus in the later period, about 1812 to 1827, his musical development broadened with new ideas and innovations.
He died in Vienna, in 1827 aged 56 years old.
Abscheulicher! wo eilst du hin? Aria no 9 from the opera Fidelio by Ludwig van Beethoven.
To learn more about the opera Fidelio
To purchase a recording of the work.
Also from Fidelio. Soprano aria, O war ich schon mit dir vereint
German text
Abscheulicher! Wo eilst du hin?
Was hast du vor in wildem Grimme?
Des Mitleids Ruf, der Menschheit Stimme -
Rührt nichts mehr deinen Tigersinn?
Doch toben auch wie Meereswogen
Dir in der Seele Zorn und Wut,
So leuchtet mir ein Farbenbogen,
Der hell auf dunkeln Wolken ruht:
Der blickt so still, so friedlich nieder,
Der spiegelt alte Zeiten wider,
Und neu besänftigt wallt mein Blut.
Komm, Hoffnung, lass den letzten Stern
Der Müden nicht erbleichen!
O komm, erhell' mein Ziel, sei's noch so fern,
Die Liebe, sie wird's erreichen.
Ich folg' dem innern Triebe,
Ich wanke nicht,
Mich stärkt die Pflicht
Der treuen Gattenliebe!
O du, für den ich alles trug,
Könnt ich zur Stelle dringen,
Wo Bosheit dich in Fesseln schlug,
Und süssen Trost dir bringen!
Ich folg' dem innern Triebe,
Ich wanke nicht,
Mich stärkt die Pflicht
Der treuen Gattenliebe!
English translation
Cursed monster. Where do you go?
What are you planning in your wild rage?
The call of compassion, the voice of humanity
Will nothing move your tiger fury?
That surges like ocean's waves
You have anger and wrath in your soul,
Yet a rainbow on my path still shines,
That rests brightly on sombre clouds:
It looks so calmly, peacefully at me,
Reminding me of happier days
And so soothes my troubled heart.
Come, hope, leave the last star
Let not the weary turn pale!
Oh come, illuminate my goal,
no matter how far away it may be,
Through love I shall reach it.
I follow my inner instinct,
I do not waver,
Duty strengthens me
The faithful love of a spouse!
O you, for whom I bore everything,
Can I get to the place
Where wickedness binds you,
And bring you sweet consolation!
I follow my inner instinct,
I don't waver,
Duty strengthens me
The faithful love of a spouse!
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) pronunciation of the aria.
abskeʊlikˈɛr! wˈo ˈɛilst dˈu ˈin?
wˈas hˈast dˈu vˈɔr ˈiːn wˈildem ɡrˈimme?
dˈes mˈitlejds rˈuf, dˈɛr menskˈɛit stˈimme -
rˈurt nˈikts mˈer deˈinen tid͡ʒˈɛrsinn?
dˈɔt͡ʃ tˈoben ˈaʊt͡ʃ wˈie meereswˈod͡ʒen
dˈir ˈiːn dˈɛr seˈɛle d͡zˈɔrn ˈund wˈut,
sˈɔ leˈuktet mˈir ˈɛin farbenbˈod͡ʒen,
dˈɛr ˈɛl ˈaʊf dˈuŋkeln wˈolken rˈut:
dˈɛr blˈikːt sˈɔ stˈil, sˈɔ friˈedlit͡ʃ njedˈɛr,
dˈɛr spjˈed͡ʒelt ˈalte d͡zeˈiten widˈɛr,
ˈund nˈɛʊ bezˈanftiɡt wˈalt mˈɛin blˈut.
kˈɔmm, ˈoffnʊŋɡ, lˈas͡s dˈɛn lˈett͡sten stˈɛrn
dˈɛr mˈuden nˈikt erblˈɛjken!
ˈɔː kˈɔmm, ˈɛrel' mˈɛin d͡zjˈɛl, sˈɛis nˈɔt͡ʃ sˈɔ fˈɛrn,
dˈie liˈebe, sˈie wˈirds erɾˈɛjken.
ˈit͡ʃ fˈɔlɡ' dˈɛm ˈinnern triˈebe,
ˈit͡ʃ wˈaŋke nˈikt,
mˈit͡ʃ stˈarkt dˈie pflˈikt
dˈɛr treˈuen ɡatːenliˈebe!
ˈɔː dˈu, fˈur dˈɛn ˈit͡ʃ ˈalles trˈuɡ,
kˈonnt ˈit͡ʃ d͡zˈur stˈelle drˈind͡ʒen,
wˈo boʃˈɛit dˈit͡ʃ ˈiːn fˈes͡seln sklˈuɡ,
ˈund sˈus͡sen trˈɔst dˈir brˈind͡ʒen!
ˈit͡ʃ fˈɔlɡ' dˈɛm ˈinnern triˈebe,
ˈit͡ʃ wˈaŋke nˈikt,
mˈit͡ʃ stˈarkt dˈie pflˈikt
dˈɛr treˈuen ɡatːenliˈebe!