
For: Voice + keyboard
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Year of composition
Michael Schmid
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Rock and Pop music
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The church is called to mission, to share the story of Jesus with the lost. But we need the Holy Spirit's power if we are to make even a beginning of fulfilling this mission. We pray that the Spirit set His church ablaze with a love for Christ and sharing His name. This song was inspired from a number of sources. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Mission movement, Ablaze, was part of it, as is St. John's Lutheran Church's new involvement in Hispanic Ministry in Napa. But it was the occasion of preaching on 2 Timothy 1:6 that brought it all into focus as a prayer that God set his church on fire for His mission. I had the privilege of performing this song at the 2004 Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) Leadership Conference. The theme of the conference was the Ablaze movement of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). Although written for the LCMS, my prayer is for the whole church of Christ in all the world to be set Ablaze!

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